a woman sits behind a desk with a computer, water and microphone near her. She's out of focus but you can see her in the digital camera screen as she records a video

Position yourself as an expert in your field through consistent thought leadership.

Do you struggle to find the time to research, craft and edit thought leadership content?

Yes? Have you considered a ghostwriter for executive thought leadership? No?

Have a professional ghostwriter do the heavy lifting. 

Let’s work to build and grow your reputation thereby increasing awareness, business results and credibility.

an icon of a person with lines surrounding their head


  • Be recognized for your expertise

  • Pique client, prospect, investor, media, partner and vendor interest

  • Generate brand awareness and recognition

an icon of a projector screen with a graph on it

Business Results

  • Inspire thoughtful conversation that creates new opportunities

  • Differentiate and elevate your brand 

  • Increase website traffic and fuel publicity

an icon of a badge/shield


  • Establish and increase trust, authority and influence

  • Position self as a thought leader by sharing insight, expertise and perspective

  • Convert data into consumable content that leads to actionable next steps

Thought Leadership Options


Content Creation

60-minute content strategy session
30-minute interview
1 article (800-1000 words)
2 rounds of edits


Strategy to Content Creation

60-minute content strategy session
60-minute interview
Keyword research
3 articles (800-1000 words)
2 rounds of edits per article
Custom LinkedIn posts


Strategize to Publicize

60-minute content strategy session
2 60-minute interviews
Keyword research
5 articles (800-1000 words)
2 rounds of edits per article
Custom LinkedIn posts 
Publication pitch strategy

Past Clients Say

“Hire an editor, For Success Sake! This was me before I hired Lori to help me edit my book. She carefully, thoughtfully and charismatically understood my writing and voice and worked with me to give it punch, clarity, and more power where it needed it. This was my first book, so it was all new to me.

I was in such good hands with Lori. She helped me see what I couldn't see and provided her expertise, talent, and resources to ensure I was in good hands and ready to be an author.”

Christina Langdon, Founder, CEO and Author, For Success Sake!

Ask me about creating and delivering an ongoing content strategy

Thought leadership is needed now more than ever

88% of decision-makers say that thought leadership can be effective in enhancing their perception of an organization

2021 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study

64% of buyers say that an organization's thought leadership content is a more trustworthy basis for assessing its capabilities and competency than its marketing materials and product sheets

2021 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study

30% of respondents indicated that a form of thought leadership is the single highest driver of marketing-qualified leads (MQLs)


Your salesforce must become recognized thought leaders in their fields and contribute to digital conversations in new and provocative ways.

Harvard Business Review