Published Writing
Not So Hidden Hoboken
Hoboken, New Jersey is a mile-square city just across the Hudson River from Manhattan. It's the birthplace of both baseball and Frank Sinatra.
So many images may come to mind. Is Hoboken still a young party town for recent grads? Has Hoboken become the place for new moms and dads? Is Hoboken still flooded after Sandy? Is Hoboken’s parking notoriously difficult?
11 International Foods to Try Before You Die
Travel is about exploration and learning—and trying a new food is an ideal way to shock your taste buds and open your mind. Whether you’re on the streets of Italy with waiters begging you to join them for dinner or sampling the steaming wares at a street cart in Bangkok, every encounter with new international foods is not just an opportunity to “Mangia, mangia!” but also to get out of your comfort zone, meet the locals, and learn something new.
5 menus not to miss in Malta
Just a 90 minute ferry ride from Sicily and just north of Tunisia and Libya, this country is small but is a crossroads of culture and cuisine.